
Goodell Goes Suspension Crazy....Again

Everyone is aware of the current power trip of the head honcho at the NFL, Roger Goodell, and his suspensions of Chris Henry, Adam Jones, Tank Johnson, and Wade Wilson among others. On Wednesday, Yahoo sports reported that Commissioner Goodell has suspended free agent Tim Couch 6 games for admitting to using steriods. 5th Degree Burn asks, when will the former University of Kentucky standout serve his suspension? In an attempt to dig out the answer on this 5th Degree uncovered some more facts on the executive order to suspend Couch. While Goodell was suspending people who are not currently affiliated with the league he went ahead and suspended the following people:
1. Popeye the Sailorman for creating a competitive advantage by using spinach
2. Barry Bonds for obvious reasons
3. Scooter Libby for allegedly outing an ex-CIA agent
4. Mahmoud Ahmedinijad for "aiding a terrorist organization"
5. The Entire Norte Dame football team for sucking and disgracing the game
6. Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan for being sluts which is against the Player Conduct Policy
7. Senator Larry Craig for soliciting gay sex in an airport
8. Dane Cook for not being funny
9. Snoop Dogg for failure to adhere to the league's substance abuse policy
10. Pacman, the video game character, for being offiliated with Adam Jones

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