
Source of Patriots Cheating Revealed

I don't know if most football fans remember a trip to Russia that Patriots owner Bob Kraft took in June of 2005. There was much hoopla about the trip because Putin "accidentally" kept Kraft's superbowl ring after trying it on in one of their meetings. 5th Degree Burn has uncovered some secret Patriots and Russian files that would link the two in the now infamous Beli-Cheat/SpyGate scandal. Apparently, this whole fiasco with the ring was merely a propaganda move by the two to shield our attention from the real question: What the heck is Bob Kraft doing in Russia? 5th Degree Burn has learned that the Patriots actually obtained sophisticated Russia spy technology to jam coach radio sideline signals and record audio of quarterback audibles and hard counts and used the pricing ring as collateral.
Initially, 5th Degree Burn did not believe the rumor; however, through further discovery we have uncovered what looks to be a perfect connection. After mulling through years of Patriots accounting books, we found the name Pikov N. Taekbek listed as being paid $800,000 for being a contracted IT expert. Then, 5th Degree Burn cross-referenced the name with Russian documents following the fall of communism in the country and they revealed the name Pikov N. Taekbek as a KGB "technology" expert. These facts seem like a little more than a coincedence to us.

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